STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign Launches in Ireland in Coordination with National Awareness Lab
October 28, 2022

STOP. THINK. CONNECT. | IRELAND campaign national curators Joanne O'Connor (L) and Louise O'Hagan (R)
Cyber Awareness Interdisciplinary Consortium Ireland Launches STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign and Cybersecurity Awareness Lab in Ireland
As Cyber Security Awareness Practitioners for years, it was evident to us that Ireland needs more public awareness relating to Cyber security topics to ensure we have a safer digital society.”
DUBLIN, IRELAND, October 28, 2021 / -- The Cyber Awareness Interdisciplinary Consortium Ireland (CAICI) launched the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. cybersecurity awareness campaign this — Joanne O'Connor
month in Ireland and established the Cybersecurity Awareness Lab Ireland, respectively, to promote the campaign's globally recognized messaging and to inform the discipline of cybersecurity awareness with new and innovative research into the human factors that contribute to cybercrime victimization.
STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Ireland is the 24th national launch of the campaign since its inauguration in October, 2010 by the United States Department of Homeland Security which established STOP. THINK. CONNECT. as the cybersecurity awareness campaign for the United States government. Since then, the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention has been working with national cabinet-level ministries, NGOs and treaty organizations to launch national campaigns all over the world.
CAICI's objectives in Ireland are to deploy the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign as broadly as possible, using the program's content and branding - in English and Irish languages - to increase essential cybersecurity awareness as broadly as possible among the Irish population. Strategically, CAICI's principals envision creating content for social media channels (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) with current topics using STOP. THINK. CONNECT. branding.
" We are honoured, as CAICI, to be the national curators for the Stop Think Connect Campaign in Ireland. As Cyber Security Awareness Practitioners for several years, it was evident to us that Ireland needs more public awareness relating to Cyber security topics to ensure we have a safer digital society," said CAICI co-founder Joanne O’Connor.
STOP. THINK. CONNECT. | Ireland's contribution to the global cybersecurity awareness effort extends beyond citizen education in online safety, scoping out an ambitious program to cultivate original research in cybersecurity awareness and framing its survey work at national scales, in a way leveraging Ireland's population as a living laboratory to investe the behavioral dimensions of cybercrime victimization - and prevention.
Cyber Awareness Interdisciplinary Consortium Ireland (CAICI) conducted an anonymous micro-survey that aimed to scope and map the landscape of Cybersecurity Awareness training in Ireland.
“Our inaugural research entailed surveying the Irish population from all sectors, inc public sector , private sector and students to get a baseline understanding of where our national educational levels lie. 46% of respondents based in Ireland said their workplace did not offer any cybersecurity awareness training – which for us confirms the need for greater awareness campaigns nationally,” Ms. O'Hagan said.
"We are honored to be joined by CAICI in the establishment of the campaign in Ireland - and in working with Ms. O'Connor and Ms. O'Hagan in the development of a very important resource I hope will be emulated in other nations: a cybersecurity awareness research center that addresses human factors at population-level scales," said, Peter Cassidy, co-founder and CEO of the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention.
The STOP. THINK. CONNECT. slogan, logo and advisory suite were created in 2009 and 2010 by an unprecedented coalition of commercial enterprises, nonprofits and government agencies who recognized the power of a unified cybersecurity awareness messaging campaign compared to an uncountable number of uncoordinated efforts.
The first subsequent national STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign was organized by the US Department of Homeland Security in October 2010. DHS maintains the the campaign to this day as the cybersecurity awareness campaign of the US federal government. Since then, the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, global curator of the campaign and its media assets, has shepherded dozens of national launches of the campaign worldwide.
Each and every instantiation of the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ cybersecurity awareness message assets strengthens the resonance of the global campaign. Dozens of national curator genesis teams are currently evaluating the campaign’s memorandum of cooperation. The Messaging Convention believes its unified messaging archecture will provide maximal coverage and drive the campaign toward ubiquitous, global deployment.
Contact details for the campaign are here:
STC Press Office
The STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, Inc.
+1 617-669-1123
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